A film by Michal Zadara and Pawel Demirski for Pulsarus piece!

Michal Zadara and Pawel Demirski made a screenplay for a short film
which will be made to the "Messenger" from Pulsarus album FAQ.
The big part of the film is already made.

The FILM WITH MUSIC is created from inspiration by "F.A.Q", new PULSARUS album.

Operator: Artur Sienicki, screenplay by Michal Zadara i Paweł Demirski.
Playing: Juliusz Donajski, Joanna Niemirska, Barbara Wysocka, Rafal Kronenberger and Krzysztof Skonieczny.
Production: Michal Labijak.

The FILM WITH MUSIC is a silent film, recorded on 8mm tape, and will have 11 minutes.
It will be 4th Zadara's film after "Marecki", "Film Krytyczny," i "Film z Aktorami."
Premiere is planned for the beginning of 2010.

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