The life of working musician is usually quite crazy. In one day: rehearsal of Antigone in Luzern/Switzerland, than the flight to Warsaw, and than the car trip to Bydgoszcz. And here are some shots from our work on The Blacks by Genet, in Bydgoszcz. Directed by Iga Ganczarczyk. It's guite interesting take on this play, with the emphasis on women... We still search for the sound language of this intriguing play...
Ok so I don't really stop. As I mentioned before I started to work on Antigone in Luzerne, Switzerland with the director Wojtek Klemm. We just premiered the Prophetic Fall debut album few days ago as well. But now I also work in Bydgoszcz on The Blacks, the play by Genet, with director Iga Ganczarczyk. The premiere is expected on 17 January 2015. More info will follow.
So the first Prophetic Album is here! It's released by the great NotTwo Records. Thank You: Marek Wajda, Marek Winiarski, Rafał Drewniany! Click here to see it on Not Two records store We also played the gig at Krakowska Jesień Jazzowa, here is the review of it: Click the Link here
THAT'S THE BEAUTIFUL THING... Rosetta’s Plasma Consortium (RPC) has uncovered a mysterious ‘song’ that Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is singing into space. RPC principal investigator Karl-Heinz Glaßmeier, head of Space Physics and Space Sensorics at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, tells us more. Click The Link Here
Here we go! So we start Antigone in Luzerne. Directed by Wojtek Klemm, Julia Kornacka Costumes, Masha Mazur Stage Design, Anna Krysiak Choreography. With my music. We are looking Forward! Me for sure. We premiere this piece on 13th of December. More info will follow :-)