
Showing posts from November, 2012

Water on Merkury,49/nasa-na-merkurym-jest-woda-materia-organiczna-ukryta-w-lodzie,68714,1,0.html

Works in Teatr Narodowy


Frank Zappa


New Gigs

Here are my new gigs on the Agenda: 01.12.12 With Marcin Gokieli, Halszka Sokolowska, Kuba Orlowski, Dominik Strycharski, Pawel Szpura 04.12.12 Birthday of Pies Czy Suka, with DJHiroszyma & Doministry, Pies Czy Suka, Warsaw 12.12.12 With Malgorzata Haduch, Dominik Strycharski, Rafal Mazur - Alchemia, Cracow

Universe's Law,49/wszechswiat-jak-gigantyczny-mozg,68437,1,0.html

Stand Up for Jacek Luminski

Quote from Allen Kucharski regarding the case: There are hundreds of us from America, and thousands from around the world, that are grateful to Jacek Łumiński and ŚTT/SDT and the festival for their work over the years. We admire Jacek's choreography and how he has built his company, the festival, and the new school in Bytom. Łumiński and ŚTT are the most effective representatives of contemporary Polish dance abroad, and the Bytom festival has brought dance and theater from all over the world to Poland, and to Silesia in particular. Building and maintaing such an organization in Bytom instead of in Warsaw or Kraków is also part of his accomplishment--part of his commitment to the arts and social change and civic responsibility in a democratic society. His vision of contemporary Polish dance is at once global, national (though never nationalist), and anti-elitist. The Bytom address says it all. We honored him at Swarthmore College in Philadelphia in part for this reason: the Bytom a...

Solo at Towarzyska

Only recorders and some reverb.!/events/497656506932222/

AudioArt 2012!

24.11 With Krzysztof Wolek/Dominik Strycharski